Anouk Samuel
Anouk Samson was born on February 8th, 1997 in Miami United States. She celebrates every year her birthday on the 8th day of February. When it's February 8th, you are able to always say happy birthday to her. Anouk Samuel father name is NA and her mother's maiden name is NA. Her father was a photographer and mom was responsible for the coordination of sets. She was born in Miami. Aquarius is her birthstone. She has acted in The Rideshare Killer Escape form Area 51 (2021), and Coyote Canyon. She also has been a fashion model with many famous photographers, designers, and magazines. In the year she turned seven when she left home, she relocated from New York to Los Angeles. At ten year old, she starred in her first ever TV commercial. She's on Instagram under the handle @anouksamuel. Anouk Duplaix is her cousin. When she moved to Los Angeles aged 7, she's been working within the entertainment business. Anouk Samuel is one of the most renowned and wealthiest Model who wa...